Newsletter Archive: 2012

Volume 10, #6, November 2012
How a restless search for the next problem can help your company achieve and maintain greatness
by Wayne Mackey

Greatness is not about the size of the problems. Rather, it is the attitude that all problems need to be addressed. The culture of restlessness itself can become a powerful magnet to attract great talent.

Volume 10, #5, October 2012
Cultivate beginner’s mind for customer-focused innovation
by Sheila Mello

Here's a reminder of what works—and of what you should pay attention to if you want to create a world-class customer-focused organization. At a recent conference, we explored best practices for finding new sources of VOC data, determining what matters to customers, and institutionalizing the process.

Volume 10, #4, August 2012
How a good front-end process can ease your journey into social media
by Sheila Mello

Does your company have a Facebook page? Are you tweeting? Is someone in your marketing department monitoring social media sites? Just ten years ago, these questions would have sounded like nonsense. Now social media is a part of the marketing mix you can’t afford to ignore.

Volume 10, #3, July 2012
Don't overlook the importance of the right mix of innovation skills
by Wayne Mackey

In business, as in personal good health, it’s the gap between what we know is good for us and what we actually do that gets us every time. This article looks at how companies can improve innovation by focusing on a key, and often overlooked, ingredient for innovation success.

Volume 10, #2, March 2012
Unraveling product launch challenges to inspire loyalty
by Sheila Mello

The good news—which is also the bad news—is that there’s no magic to launching a great product. That means you need to understand the challenges, put processes in place to meet those challenges, and execute relentlessly.

Volume 10, #1, February 2012
Are you as boundary-free as you think?
by Sheila Mello

Ideally, a cross-functional team will become instrumental in breaking down the barriers that are responsible for the silos we thought we got rid of over the last decade. Here's more on how can this happen, the consequences when it doesn’t, and what’s the payoff for product development organizations.