Training and pilot programs designed to introduce positive change often fail to give you the long-term results you need. Despite initial success and fanfare, the improvement dies and change never ripples throughout the entire organization.
Ignoring the middle step in change—the time between discovery of a new way of doing business and the time when it is fully deployed as a habit—prolongs the time to full deployment. PDC has developed a methodology to deploy change that is robust, quantifiable, and rapid. Our Accelerated Implementation Model (AIM®) is a rapid and measurable methodology that turns improvement strategies into organizational habits.
AIM allows you to
- focus on outcome and deliver real work while making change happen
- break down the improved process into discrete steps
- define the potential workshops to address those steps
- identify areas where the change process may fail without intervention
- develop custom workshops to address the weak spots
- implement the program at all levels in your organization
- measure the effectiveness of the change process.
Contact PDC today about accelerating change at your organization.