Product Development Process

Collaboration can bring a lot to the product development process. Yet it's easy to lose sight of risk. PDC's Product Development Process (PDP) practice helps companies balance resources and risk to optimize product development.

Taking the lead from supply chain management, we teach you how to engage in just-in-time product development. We prompt you to develop the riskiest and longest lead-time features first and postpone low-risk customized ones until later in the project.

Our approach goes beyond the traditional—and often inflexible—stages and gates review, offering a flexible yet methodical phase review process that reduces bottlenecks and waste.

PDC's Product Development Process ensure that your cross-functional teams work together to take advantage their collective knowledge by

  • defining the development process model (including terminology) and identifying process phases
  • recognizing the core groups, including product development participants and the management structure
  • articulating the key documents and activities for each phase of the process
  • assigning and agreeing on the roles and responsibilities of all participants, including management

Read about PDC's Parametric Schedule Estimation Tool.

Contact PDC today about improving your product development process.