Lyse Fontaine - Consultant

Lyse FontaineMs. Fontaine brings more than a decade of research and consulting experience to her work with PDC, where she focuses on best-practices, research, benchmarking studies, product development process improvements, MDPD (Market-Driven Product Definition), and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data help to help clients identify and remedy weakness in their product development processes. She played key roles in developing a business and implementation plan for an electric utility facing deregulation; bringing product development process improvements to medical device manufacturers, software companies, and consumer products companies like Chinet and KCC; and in implementing a customer-centric product definition process at Avaya, Inc.

Vital Stats

Member of:

    • American Marketing Association (AMA)
    • Boston Chapter of Concurrent Engineering
    • Product Development and Management Association (PDMA).

Author of many articles and reports on product development process improvement and international trade including "Defining a Product the Customer Wants" in R&D Magazine.

Guest lecturer at Suffolk University in Boston, MA

Contributor to industry conferences with seminar providers on product development training


International trade analyst at St. Maxens & Company, an international trade policy consulting firm in Washington, DC
M.A. in international affairs from George Washington University and B.A. in political science degree from the University of Vermont